This is a love story between a man living apart from society in a cabin in a mountain meadow and a younger woman living in the outside but knowing the hidden trail to the meadow. Most scenes take place in the meadow allowing an examination of how a man and a woman might interact outside of society’s rules of behavior.
The man believes that a divine essence from God exists in the things of Nature that do not exist in things solely created by Man. His view of the world is shaped by this belief in a holy essence in a world that becomes harder and harder to see as mankind reshapes God’s created world into more and more a human created world.
When God created the world was it an act only requiring God to imagine the creation then command it to exist? Or was the world created the way life is created in Nature requiring the contribution of something from the creator, such as the mother and the father must contribute something from themselves for a baby to be created?
If God contributed a part of his essence into each creation then in each Natural creation God exists as an essential part. Things created purely by Man’s technology do not contain this divine essence. This is a novel about a man that believes that this is true and believes it is essential to the fate of the world that others begin to see the truths that he knows.
Many novels start with the book outlined in detail. I started knowing the beginning and the ending and with a list of ideas to express in between. Joy is available in simple ways that existed before all of the technology that dominates our world today: joy from our relationships, in eating, in the beauty of nature, of feeling alive and in feeling ourselves a part of the living world around us. Money is important in our world but it is a creation of Man not God and should not rule all decisions.
We are all individuals yet also all connected and with our actions impacting the world around us whether we know it or not.